
Escape the jaws

By Yellow milk Studios

In times of hardship, if possible I remove myself from the situation and retreat to my private work studio //

It’s where I find comfort and safety from the people & the world that exists beyond the walls of the studio. 

During this time of isolation, I can begin to self inquire about my experiences and further understand the situation by creating a piece of artwork that embodies my emotions and thoughts – once i feel like work is done I can reflect on things and during that time i have calmed myself to be able to speak in a sensible manner in order to better things.

I value this exercise very much and I believe it’s a form of therapy which other people may also value – see it as a change in attitude and as an alternative response.




Use of different languages of “art” to tell the story of a young Man who’s journey is – upon him, prescribed.. his fate visioned by others he let in close enough to propose their idea or sense of direction which he should follow.

The voices remain in the back of his mind – even clearer they sound when all else is lost.

Crisis of who’s who // am i, I ?

Unable to please everyone- the voices are silenced by the process of creating “signs”

These signs are in the form of garments and are objects which yield my combat against the voices inside me.

“Turn right to go left”

⁃ Doc. Hudson


My worst:

I put my hand up. Heal and help.

Picture knowing better & what difference it makes. Poor choices and pornography.

Or contribute to the past. My worst mistake.

Really I’m disappointed. I was irresponsible of my actions.

Shadows keep me scared and shamed

Calling my self out so u don’t need to feel of public interest.

Here’s to being an adult and owning up. Healing begins.

Everyone. I’m sorry.


“Draft copy”

My (un)cultured story telling of – [object] “Tivaevae”

Exploration of cultural significance, in search of identity: self publishing my ideas inspired by my Pacific roots to share with other(s)

What is your object.

This here is a gift from my Grandmother, who I call mama – that was passed onto me at my 5th birthday.

It’s called a Ti-vae vae.

My Mama and papa presented it to me at my 5th birthday – they felt it was the right time and so it’s been with me since – but It hasn’t seen much light as these things are generally kept hidden in a safe space where it can’t be messed around with – it been in my mamas chest for years and so finally I’ve caught onto my lack of cultural identity and have decide to take action and learn more about my cool island culture.

The work that goes into making a ti vae vae is pretty amazing – the amount of time and effort put into this is immeasurable –

It can take years to finish one – I’ve heard of people having spent 3-4 years on making a ti vae vae

These are usually present at weddesnigs

Birthdays and funerals –

Mine was presented at my 5th birthday


God sent Aliens

Them zippers 🤐

“How you feeling OHNINE!”

“All safe!” – assuming we’re in the company of the most celebrated rap duo in the solar system –

Church & AP

The team really have set themselves afar from the rest – taking nz hip hop to interstellar space to discover a new element to “Masta” – Genre bending.

These unconventional Avatars, have conjured the perfect response to modern day society and all that we observe, taking relatable experiences, values and beliefs, and morphing those ideas with intrinsic beats (Great fkn job Dera!) to showcase all respective attitudes of young pacific people – but not limited to!

Quick recharge of the batteries before the final act!

Experience these guys live at the next gig or at my fashion show next year 👀 * cough cough *



The treeeee house

I’m growing up you fk wits 🙏

Sit by the 🌳

The tree is a representation of all the people who have lost their lives due to mental health.

The notion that people commit suicide is something I myself have pondered. An emergency escape button. I’d rather not pick up a drug habit to fight the imbalance I feel within.

I found myself in a place where I had the opportunity to turn the whole table around – to think of others who are going through this – how difficult this may seem.

How does the tallest guy in the room feel so invisible?

I remember when I was a young buck, growing up I had all sorts of concerns as a curious child world be right!

Or was I just that annoying kid that always got told to “man up” or “move on, grow some balls” – a child of my emotional capacity (or lack of) couldn’t make anything of these sentences the adults around me were implying..

Had me thinking to the point of over thinking.

And boy!!! Has that out grown what anyone would anticipate.

Years of suppression and being told to “get over it son” has evolved into emotional disfunction – and now I’m trying to recover 24 years of that.

It’s great and I love seeing the progress despite having some days where I’ll collapse after I’ve been telling myself “get over it” a week straight.

Today is international Mental health day and I’m celebrating it with my Burger and chips that my Mama shouted me after she heard me crying in the room.

Sometimes I just need you to show up and not even say shit! Just do. First by showing up.

Bring food too hehe 😉

There’s love to go around and that’s what we need more of.

The tree is the centre piece of my store which I hope to bring to life one day. So I can share the stories and give hope to our people who need it out there!

Use your platform to inform and deform unsustainable norm.



Turn right, to go left

This is her. Miss Rosie

Here is New Zealand’s 1st canine home owner.
Short walks with humans of kind, a bed & your unattended birthday cake…
See Mac! I do get exercise 😉
The #1 reason dogs attack,,

Humans. What about the humans? Well:

The lack of fucking knowledge. That’s it.

Don’t blame the Rottweiler. It’s beyond them to be foolish in thinking they are able to anticipate their destiny. I’m talking environments: dogs have no say.

It’s the humans choice or lack of

They’re a reflection of their environment. A place that cannot yield a favourable space, called “home”.

So. We should Educate families how to care properly for these gifts from God.

Dogs. Not the kids…

How to and properly care for their beloved animal friends. There is where we address the problem before it even becomes one. Or many of.

Harsher penalties are not the answer. Dogs deserve better living environments and how that can be managed sustainably? By using ethical measures to do so. If not then think before making the commitment to care for these animals.

“What about when a dog attacks a baby”

The human failed to socialise and practise caution when new people enter the dogs “territory” – the noise, sounds, patting and new smells – it’s a high alert energy filled time for the dog!

You know this to be true if you were educated. No lies – you’d pull the trigger too if you had to.



Don’t worry, I’m seeing a psychologist 🤞

Perhaps I’m making it hard for my own self but I can’t reason with my inability to make sound decisions in moments of uncertainty :/

My brain just freezes – all logic is impaired for one split moment. Then bang!

Silence… deep breathes. Vivid thoughts :

Looking back it felt like it was long winded, more than just a second, say. I say to myself “ I’ve been here before”

“I thought I was stronger than this” – Really?

To summarise,, to look forward, is to look back and ask yourself “Being strong is painful, but being wrong is worse” – take it how you like.

Point is, it’s imparts the to reflect and summarise your experience then and there after. Was it pleasant? Safe? Sustainable? – reflection is key to making the next move.

Your answers will reflect your identity –

Am I accountable?


New Species

How astronomy connects us to identity

A recent visit to Auckland’s StarDome observatory has really ignited a new concept of consumer value, and how that is achieved through consumer experience – Can we match the efforts of space exploration to uncover the mysteries of identity – who we are, and what it means to be human.

Using such great energy, emotion and purpose that these astronomers exhibit to uncover the mysteries of the universe, I was left pondering about what we can learn if we were to explore our lives in the form of knowing who we are – our identity.

Grounded in our values and beliefs we can navigate through time knowing who we are and knowing what we are about – there’s no cliche here so be about it.

Feel comfortable to ask yourself questions like: Who am I? What type of person am I? What are my values and beliefs? Am I ok with this? Really…

Is this a calling? Will I create the observatory of self – Where you (consumers) learn to appreciate what identity means in turn enabling yourself to learn what your identity is.

Like visiting an planetary observatory, you’re on a journey to discover self, who you are and where you come from – in a manner that celebrates individualism without a capitalist perspective. Creating an observatory-like environment (store) that inspires people to explore the essence of identity and realising what the power of knowing who you are, possesses – We really ought to be Fashion’s telescope to exploring identity.

You have your own back when the robots take over,,

How to love:

Cut the music up
A lil’ louder, yeahYou had a lot of crooks try to steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love (how to love)
How to love (how to love)
Mm you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in a corner tryna put it together
How to love (how to love)
How to love (how to love)Mm for a second you were here, now you over there
It’s hard not to stare, the way you moving your body
Like you never had a love (had a love)
Never had love (had a love)When you was just a youngin’, your looks were so precious
But now you’re grown up, so fly it’s like a blessing
But you, can’t have a man look at you for five seconds
Without you being insecure
You never credit yourself so when you got older
It’s seems like you came back ten times over
Now you’re sitting here in this damn corner
Looking through all your thoughts and looking over your shoulderSee you had a lot of crooks try to steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love (how to love, how to love)
How to love (how to love, how to love)
Mm see you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in this corner tryna put it together
How to love (how to love)
How to love (how to love)Mm for a second you were here, now you over there
It’s hard not to stare, the way you moving your body
Like you never had a love (had a love)
How to love (how to love)Ooh, you had a lot of dreams that transform to visions
The fact that you saw the world affected all your decisions
But it wasn’t your fault, wasn’t in your intentions
To be the one here talking to me, be the one listeningBut I admire your poppin’ bottles and dippin’
Just as much as you admire bartending and strippin’
Baby, so don’t be mad, nobody else trippin’
You seen a lot of crooks and the crooks still crookYou see you had a lot of crooks try to steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love (how to love)
How to love (how to love)
Mm see you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in this corner tryna put it together
How to love (how to love)
How to love (how to love)Ooh, see I just want you to know (You to know)
That you deserve the best
You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful
Yeah, and I want you to know
You’re far from the usual, far from the usualYou see you had a lot of crooks try to steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love (how to love)
How to love (how to love)
Mm see you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in this corner tryna put it together
How to love (how to love)
How to love (how to love)Mm, see you had a lot of crooks try to steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love (how to love)
How to love (how to love)
Yeah, see you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in this corner tryna put it together
How to love (how to love)
How to love, mm

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